Betsy and Liz 

Meet Our Executive Producers

“I believe that building a community of writers to support each other’s work is the single most important thing a writer can do. Of course, we all have to sit and write alone at some point but it’s so much easier to get our work on the page after meaningful connections with other writers. We all need these connections. We need champions behind us. The mentors we have curated for Call to Adventure are those champions."

– Betsy Marino Leighton

Our Mission

We love working with writers and being part of the creative process. We seek to inspire, motivate but, more than anything, guide you. 

We create a supportive writing community of fellow writers and expert storytellers to help you find your voice and hone your story.  

Worried about AI? F*#k! AI!

Only YOU can tell your story.

"I thrive in tv writers rooms. I make discoveries about myself, about humanity, about how much fun I can have creating something. Working in a writers room, you’ll see a window into your story and new ways to shape and refine it. It’s truly exciting when a story problem is solved by a collaborative moment of insight."

-Liz Keyishian


Our next Writers Retreat is in Breckenridge, Colorado May 17 - 20.

“When you start putting pen to paper, you see a side of your personal truth that doesn't otherwise reveal itself in conversation or thought.”

― Anthony Kiedis